Friday, 14 November 2008

Wednesday, 12 November 2008


We had a talk today with Joshua Blackburn from Provokateur which was really insightful into the world of more ethical and sustainable design. It is good to see someone actually doing work that they really care about and that makes a difference.

Beosans Drawers

We recently had a typographic project set by Julia, which they gave us a typeface and we had to illustrate one unique aspect of it. We had Beosans, which is a very modern typeface that uses Post-script 3 technology to enable it to be printed differently every single time. The typeface is made up of many vectors and the printer choses at random, these vectors.

We illustrated this function by producing three brand new drawers into an old metal type drawer unit. Three different Beosans were chosen, 21-23, ranging from not very flexible, to extremely flexible. When the drawers were opened, the typeface would change with the movement.

 Beosans 21.

 Beosans 22.

Beosans 23.

In collaboration with Poppy Hennig, Tom Wrigglesworth, Jenny Carter and Julia.